
Ever thine, ever mine, ever ours


Today is my 20th birthday. And so begins my third decade of life.


It feels like I’ve been 19 forever. I know 20 isn’t really something that should jump my bones.


I mean, I’m still not legally allowed to drink or gamble.


I’ve done a lot for a 19-year-old and I know there’s a lot more to come. [Not to toot my own horn or anything.]


To Italians, a 20-year-old is still a bambino or bambina, or a young 0ne.


But I know the 20s is where shit really happens in life. That’s what gets me the most.


The 20s is when I’ll graduate from college and get my first full-time job as a journalist.


My 20s is when I could potentially get married, settle down, and start a family.


Whatever happens to me, bring it on. I’m ready.

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